How manually allow mic access for League of Legends Voice chat in macOS

Sithum Meegahapola
2 min readAug 9, 2020


This time I'm giving some instruction for the people who do gaming. And this one is for the players who play League Of Legends on Mac.

So recently I figured out that in mac, League of Legends Client voice chat is not working due to the LOL client is not requesting permission from the mac system. So I had to search all over the internet to see the solution and finally, I found out that we need to grant that permission manually. so these are the steps that you need to follow to use the voice chat in LOL on macOS

My System OS Info -> macOS Catalina (10.15.6)

(Not sure for other macOS Versions. Do with your own risk)

Step 1: Disable The System Integrity Check so that you can access the relevant system database.

1.1 Reboot your mac and hold Command+R on startup. This will bring up the Recovery Mode.

1.2 On top of the screen, open Utility->Terminal and type csrutil disable

(Disclaimer: This is part of the system security, so turn it back on in step 4. It’s necessary anyway. because otherwise, the database in step 2 cannot be accessed)

1.3 Reboot.

Step 2: Manually add permission for the client to access the microphone.

2.1 Open the terminal and type

sudo sqlite3 ~/Library/Application\ Support/ "INSERT or REPLACE INTO access VALUES('kTCCServiceMicrophone','com.riotgames.leagueoflegends',0,1,1,NULL,NULL,NULL,'UNUSED',NULL,0,1551892126);"

Enter your mac password to confirm the action.

Step 3: Make the League Client use that permission

In the terminal, type
3.1 /usr/libexec/PlistBuddy -c "Add NSMicrophoneUsageDescription string" /Applications/League\ of\

3.2 /usr/libexec/PlistBuddy -c "Set :NSMicrophoneUsageDescription Using voice chat" /Applications/League\ of\

Step 4: Cleanup

4.1 Reboot your mac and hold Command+R on startup. This will bring up the Recovery Mode.

4.2 On top of the screen, open Utility->Terminal and type csrutil enable. This re-creates the original condition.

4.3 Reboot.

So after you follow these steps correctly you will be able to use the voice chat in the League of Legends Client lobby.

Happy Gaming ❤



Sithum Meegahapola
Sithum Meegahapola

Written by Sithum Meegahapola

Senior Software Engineer & Audio Engineer

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